Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments you would have. I also really appreciate it when someone emails me, or posts on here telling how the probiotics and enzymes helped them or their child. By hearing others stories, I learn more and am better able to help others. Calling and email are fine, but voxing or whatsapp are the easiest and fastest!

Martha Koehn, Madrid, Nebraska

marthakoehn83 at

316-two one seven-4369

8 thoughts on “CONTACT ME…

  1. Hi I read your post about digestive health probiotics and how’s it’s helped your boys. My 6 week old daughter has reflux and colic. I have her on Similac alimentum formula,gerber soothe and Zantac. I saw comment from another mom who said this probiotic helped pretty much stop her sons reflux. Could you explain how that works? Thank you.

    1. The Digestive Health that we use contains not only probiotics but also digestive enzymes. Most babies don’t have their probiotics (good bacteria that coat and protect the entire digestive system) fully built up until they are around 6 months of age. Babies as a general rule do spit up a little (due to laying down after eating or having their stomach being in a squished position, or possibly from the muscle that holds the top of stomach closed to the esophagus being not very strong for the first few months of life.) and for a baby who has low probiotics this spit up can quickly irritate the esophagus and cause it to become inflamed and rubbed raw, thus causing pain. Some babies are called “Happy Spitters” which means they spit up a lot but it doesn’t cause them pain. Most likely this is because they have a good supply of probiotics coating their esophagus and the spit up isn’t causing pain.

      The digestive enzymes aid in breaking down food. A baby produces very few enzymes before they are 6 months old. And they generally don’t start producing protease (the enzyme needed to break down proteins) until they around a year old. Proteins will pass from mom’s diet to her milk to her baby and some babies can really have have a hard time breaking them down. Proteins are one of the hardest things for the digestive system to break down, for sure proteins in dairy. If a baby is formula fed, the proteins in the formula are just as difficult to break down as the formula is milk based. Gerber Soothe has the proteins in it partially broken down, and the proteins in the Similac Alimentum are extensively broken down. A formula such as Elecare has the proteins completely broken down.

      So, if a nursing mom takes digestive enzymes this will make her milk be more broken down and much easier for a baby to digest. (Probiotics taken by mom will pass through her milk to baby.) If a formula fed baby takes digestive enzymes, then it will help their digestive system to better be able to break down it’s food. When food isn’t properly being digested, it can stay in the stomach too long and cause problems like bloating, excess gas, reflux (because the undigested food is pushed up into the esophagus due to the bloating/gases caused by undigested food.) and other digestive problems.

  2. I gave my 10 month old half capsul and a few hrs later it noticed she broke out in a rash on her lower belly .. Is this the process or a bad reaction?

  3. I was wondering what your opinion is about my baby. .. reading your information it sure sounds to me like she has acid reflux, I also know she has a lot of gas and some green poopy diapers. Sometimes when shes nursing she sucks a little, then pulls away, crying like she’s in terrible pain. She is quite fussy overall, though she does take 2-3 hour naps and usually sleeps 4-5 hours at night. My question is, if I take the digestive enzymes will I be able to keep nursing her, which I really want to do. She is already two and half months old, and my oldest daughter was fussy too, though not as bad, and she pretty much grew out of it by three months old. But I am getting desperate… with three older children too I am really looking for something that will help! (I think it’s very interesting that my last baby was very happy and easy to care for, except for about a week when she was two weeks old.) Thanks for all the information you have on here! Crystal

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